A vibrant Yoga atmosphere in Oporto.
A Yoga studio in Oporto since 2001.
Our Story
When this school opened its doors to the public back in 2001 we could have never imagined the role it would have today in the lives of so many people that come to practice with us every day.
Throughout all of those years, we’ve had many challenges and many changes have been made. However, we’ve always kept ourselves true to our hearts.
Yoga has always been a constant path to walk on and a noble ideal to pursuit allowing us to grow more and share more and more.
Lotus welcomes everyone wishing to walk on the path of Yoga making this journey your own unique way of self-exploration. Our goal is to share the gift of Yoga we receive every day with you.
Our Team
Our Values
Our greatest asset and ultimate destination. All we do is through Yoga and for Yoga. To guide you into a living Yoga reality.
Direct communication and assertiveness ensure that you are well guided on this path of (self)discovery.
The discipline of putting ourselves into service of the Higher Good and nothing else.
We are devoted to conducting everyone on the path of enlightenment.